First dates can be daunting – you never know what to expect, and you can’t help but hope that after searching for love, this time, you’ve found the one. But knowing if someone is worth a second date is not always easy to work out. In fact, looking for love has become even more challenging, with a Pew Research Center study revealing that almost half of Americans say dating has become more difficult in the last decade.

So what’s a good way to approach the first date? Dr. Marisa T. Cohen, a relationship scientist at Hily, an online dating app, told The List that going into a first date is all about being in the moment. “It is important to be present and learn about the person you are with. This allows you to learn about your date on a deeper level and assess compatibility,” said Cohen. “Remember that early dating experiences can create a lot of anxiety, so give the person the benefit of the doubt (unless they do something that you find problematic) and consider going on a second date to continue to learn more about them.” 

But how do you know if something is a red flag or if your date is just nervous? We’ve put together an expert-based guide to navigating the first date and identifying any red flags that will save you from heartache later on.

Jacqueline fae “the Faerymatcmaker” CEO and Founder of IDL Match Club gives you some advice on how to spot 13 red flags oa first date click on read more to read about it.?